Welcome to Brain Hero

BrainHero revolutionizes how kids read, create and interact with books. With AI, it helps reduce screen time and sparks creativity. Kids can become authors, turning their ideas into personalized, interactive books. Parents can craft custom stories to foster good habits. Join BrainHero today—it's free!


Brain Up

Use your imagination! Think of a fun story with cool characters and places. Get ready to create something amazing!

Tell your story

Share your story with Brain Hero! Our superhero listens to your ideas and helps make them even better.

Make & Enjoy

Watch your story come to life! Brain Hero helps you create a book that talks. Read it, ask to it, share it, and have fun with your creation!


Imagine the Place

Cool Features of Brain Hero

  • Chat with Your Characters: Talk to your story characters and ask them questions! You can learn more about them and get fun facts about your story.
  • Read and Listen: You can read your story whenever you want, and we'll even read it to you! It's perfect for bedtime stories or sharing with friends.
  • Share Your Masterpiece: Share your story with family and friends and get feedback from them. You can even build a library of your own stories and share them with others!
  • Super Cool AI Model: We have a extreemly fast and smart AI models that can make books really, really fast! It can make hundreds of pages in just a few seconds, which is way faster than you can read a book!